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Use the room all year round with the right shading


Warema conservatory awning Climara W20 combined with external venetian blinds

photo WAREMA | Warema conservatory awning Climara W20 combined with external venetian blinds

Living with nature all year round, watching the changing of the seasons and at the same time being pleasantly protected against wind and weather – a conservatory undeniably increases the quality of life. 

Even though the darker months are gradually approaching us, we can continue to enjoy the sun in a conservatory. However, in order to make full use of this additional living room on 365 days of the year, we need the right sun shading system. It enables us to crease a pleasant climate that ensure both we and our house plants are happy and comfortable even in strong sunshine.

As a glass room, the conservatory has special requirements when it comes to shading. It can get extremely hot in there with the sun shining in all day long. Which is why there are efficient sun shading solutions to go either over or under the glass of these large, often sloping glass surfaces. Warema, the leading manufacturer of technical sun shading product, has the right models for any requirement with its Climara conservatory awnings. The entry-level Climara W19 and premium solution W20 are external awnings that provide the greatest protection against the sun. 

They catch the majority of the sun's rays before they hit the glass, which means the heat isn't even able to enter the room. And because these systems are exposed to all kinds of weather, Warema has designed them to be highly resistant, strong and stable. Integrated brushes protect the technology against dirt. The patented secudrive® technology of the W20 with lateral guidance along the entire length of the fabric prevents gaps at the sides between the fabric and guide rail, and guarantees safe sun shading even in strong winds. Climara W9 and W10 are attractive under-glass solutions. They are also protected against dirt and the weather, and are easy to integrate in the interior design.

Sit back and control automatically

However, the actual shading is only one half of any efficient glare and thermal protection system. What is essential to allow the sun shading system to develop its full potential is intelligent control. Not only does this facilitate easy handling, but it also protects the system against damage from bad weather and the conservatory from overheating – even if the owners are absent. Climara W20, which now has an integrated WMS sensor system, offers additional safety and maximum comfort. The sensor measures the wind, brightness and precipitation. So the awning is retracted automatically in strong gusts, storms and rain, and extended when the sun is shining with no need for an external weather station. The awning can also easily be controlled by a WMS hand-held transmitter or even by a smartphone with WMS WebControl.

Attractive design with the matching sun shading solutions

There is no need for anyone who opts for an unusual architecture to dispense with a fully automatic sun shading system. Out-of-the-ordinary glass areas such as triangles, trapezoids or hipped roofs require special solutions. And here too, Warema makes the matching awnings. However, as the sun not only shines down from above (depending on the architecture of the conservatory), it is advisable to use combinable products to provide external shading for the side walls. This is to ensure that the heat stays outside without the occupants having to miss out on beneficial daylight and a comfortable atmosphere on the inside.

External venetian blinds are one particularly popular solution. The slats can be positioned to prevent glare and still allow daylight in, while allowing the occupants to see out at the same time. Window awnings made of weather-proof fabrics also offer reliable sun shading. They can be used specifically to create an attractive exterior on a modern home as they are available in lots of colours and with varying light permeability. One practical and attractive solution for all-glass corners in the conservatory are window awnings with ZIP guidance. In combination with the matching Climara products, they create a harmonious overall effect that includes functional benefits. 
For instance, no additional fixing is required in corners as the two curtains are connected to each other by the cover panel and drop profile. At the same time, they can be raised and lowered with just one motor. Not to be forgotten: insect protection, and pollen protection if required. This uses swivel and sash frames or swinging doors to make sure uninvited visitors who would disturb the relaxed atmosphere in the conservatory don't even get a look-in.

#SunShading, #SunProtection, #WindowCoverings