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Living Places Copenhagen wins international recognition


Living Places Copenhagen wins international recognition

photo Adam Mork | Living Places Copenhagen wins international recognition

The groundbreaking housing project, Living Places Copenhagen, wins two international architecture awards from the American Institute of Architects (AIA) thereby confirming the importance of the project on the international architecture scene.

Living Places Copenhagen, built by the VELUX Group, EFFEKT architects, Artelia engineers and Enemærke & Petersen contractors, has been awarded with two international awards by the American Institute of Architects. The AIA has just announced that the Danish design studio EFFEKT has been awarded the Sustainable Future Award and the Merit Award for Architecture.

With the Sustainable Future Award and the Merit Award for Architecture, Living Places Copenhagen is recognized for its outstanding design and for demonstrating that it is possible to improve human health and energy efficiency and manage our dwindling resources in a sustainable way through meaningful, sustainable, and integrated design. More about the awards: aiainternational.org/design-awards-2023-winners.

We are very honored to receive these two AIA awards. The Living Places Concept and the Living Places Copenhagen prototype show that we can build affordable homes with an ultra-low CO2-footprint and a first-class indoor climate already today. With the acknowledgment from AIA, the project has gotten an important quality stamp. We hope the project will promote a new set of standards for sustainable construction, and we look forward to scaling it – Lone Feifer, Director of Sustainable Buildings at the VELUX Group.

The news of the two international awards was also received with great enthusiasm by EFFEKT, the architects on the project.

A big thank you to AIA International and to the jury for the recognition of Living Places Copenhagen, we are grateful and very happy. With this project, we managed to provide examples of solutions that will hopefully show the way ahead for the entire industry. We have already seen a lot of interest in Denmark, and we are thrilled that the project is now getting international attention since our solutions are scalable and can be implemented at a more global level. The green transition is a team effort toward a common goal, and it will require close cooperation throughout all phases of the construction process and a whole new level of knowledge sharing between all the involved parties. Living Places Copenhagen is the result of such a partnership. Thank you to the VELUX Group, Artelia, and Enemærke & Petersen for being so courageous and willing to chart the way forward – Sinus Lynge, co-founder and creative director of EFFEKT.

In September 2023, Living Places Copenhagen won the EY Sustainability award in the innovation category for its groundbreaking and innovative concept for future housing, and in November Living Places Copenhagen received the design award of the Bo Bedre magazine in the Innovative of the Year category.

About Living Places Copenhagen

In April 2023 the VELUX Group, EFFEKT, Artelia, and Enemærke & Petersen opened the doors to Living Places Copenhagen in the Railway District in Copenhagen. It is the first prototype of the overall Living Places concept, and the vision is to lead the way in the building industry and show how rethinking buildings can help solve some of the global climate and health challenges. The groundbreaking project demonstrates that it is possible to build homes with a CO2 footprint that is 2/3 lower per m2/year than the Danish standard while ensuring a first-class indoor climate.

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